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A spacious indoor garage or workshop features rows of vintage cars, including several Volkswagen Beetles. The vehicles are arranged neatly, some undergoing maintenance or being worked on by mechanics. Large windows line the walls, allowing natural light to illuminate the expansive area. Two men stand conversing in the center, seemingly discussing the cars or repairs.
A spacious indoor garage or workshop features rows of vintage cars, including several Volkswagen Beetles. The vehicles are arranged neatly, some undergoing maintenance or being worked on by mechanics. Large windows line the walls, allowing natural light to illuminate the expansive area. Two men stand conversing in the center, seemingly discussing the cars or repairs.

Entre em contato conosco para serviços de lanternagem, funilaria e pintura de veículos automotores.


Estamos localizados em Vila Maria, prontos para atender suas necessidades de lanternagem, funilaria e pintura de veículos automotores com qualidade.


Rua Exemplo, 123


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